NB Seaglass hull complete - she's on the move

The sky was pure blue, the temperature in the late 20's, no wind at all - the perfect day for transporting a narrowboat shell.  XR&D Boatbuilders of Ollerton, North Notts had worked on her for three months and she was now ready to be delivered to the boat fitters near Newark
Pushed from behind by a forklift truck,  NB Seaglass emerged from the Nissan hut workshop like a tortoise sticking her head tentatively out of her shell
The outside railings were removed and she continued inching her way eerily forward
The lorry backed up  e x t r e m e l y slowly.  Driver Chris from Walkers of Tuxford told us this was a doddle of a job "a mere feather on the back of my lorry".  "Glad to hear that driver", we replied
A bigger forklift (driven by Garry of XR&D) expertly whizzed up the ramp and gently lifted the front of the boat up higher than lorry height. Meanwhile the other forklift continued to push the boat forward on its rollers  . . . . 
. . . . until she was almost completely on the lorry.  The rollers underneath were removed and wooden beams.were slotted instead for support  
Lorry then did a 27-point turn to point the right way, expertly missing the parked cars just out of shot.  These drivers really do deserve their money  
Straps were thrown over and orange flashing lights stuck jauntily around the lorry.  Oh and a red and white stripped flag on the back for good luck (or maybe a requirement)
And she's good to go! Here's Garry and Lee from XR&D ready to finally see her off the premises. Absolutely fantastic job boys - see you on the towpath at Crick Boat Show in April 2019 


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